Saturday, September 24, 2016

Welcome to the Prenatal Music Bonding Course

Please introduce yourselves and tell us what brings you to this course.  My name is Mary DiCamillo and I am the founder and Continuing Education Director for Sound Birthing Music, LLC.  I am a pre and perinatal Music Therapist.  I serve families during pregnancy, labor, birth and the immediate post partum periods.  I also offer Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth services and Birth Music Consultation services in Southern California.  I have been doing this work for the last 20 years and I have developed the Sound Birthing Method of Childbirth.  I have also completed a certificate program in Pre and Perinatal Education with the Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health.  I am looking forward to learning with you in this course and hope it inspires you with ideas for developing your own Prenatal Music Bonding programs in your areas.


  1. Hi! My name is Katie Knight. Currently, I’m not working as a music therapist, but I hope to start a private practice in the near future. (My last music therapy job was a hospice music therapist, and I've also worked with children and adults with developmental disabilities.) In the meantime, I homeschool my children and I teach piano part time. I’m taking this course because a) I’m very intrigued by music therapy assisted childbirth, b) I know how powerful music was during my own deliveries, and c) I want to learn as many different ways to utilize music therapy as I can before I start my own practice.

    1. Welcome Katie! I am so glad you joined this course. While this course focuses on developing the bond with the baby in utero, we will cover some things that are also covered during the prenatal phase of MTACB like Womb Songs and parental communication. If you are interested in the practice of MTACB there is a separate course for that which is offered in a blended learning format in which you complete 16 hours online and 10 hours experiential in person training. I am offering the MTACB online portion also right now and the next Experiential is taking place on Nov 10 in Sandusky, OH at the AMTA conference. Or the next in person Workshop for MTACB will be in Orange County, CA 3/3-3/5/17.

  2. Hello! My name is Melissa Howard. I really became interested in prenatal music therapy and music therapy assisted childbirth after attending a session at a conference in the chicago area a few years ago. I have been very interested ever since and I'm excited to finally be taking one of your courses.

    1. Hello Melissa:

      Welcome to the course! I am so glad you are able to take this training and I am looking forward to supporting your learning about music in the prenatal period and how as music therapists we can effectively use music as a tool to deepen the bond between parents and child which lays the foundation for relationships, temperament, communication, emotional development of the baby.

  3. Hey! I'm Kristen. Sorry I'm late to this post...
    I became interested in music in childbirth when I was planning for the birth of my first daughter. I did not actually use music in labor, but I had a few playlists ready in case I needed it. After a perfect homebirth I decided pregnancy/labor-delivery/perinatal care was my passion!!! I plan to take the other courses you offer eventually, Mary, and focus on music therapy in all stages of pregnancy and birth to help women have the best support and experience possible.

  4. Hello everybody! I'm Angie! I became interested in MTACB after coming across the many populations that music therapy can help with during my schooling at UM. I wanted to become a neonatologist or OB/GYN before I found MT, now I want to mix my three loves/fascinations together; music therapy, babies, and the miracle of pregnancy! I don't have any children, but I do know first hand how music can empower you during challenging times, and I would love to help give both women and their newborns support through this crucial time.

  5. Well, hi to everybody. My name is Nana and I am music therapist B.C., Musical baby bonding teacher and Infant massage Instructor from Belgrade Serbia. So as I am working in field of bonding and also I am very interested in prenatal and perinatal period, this course is logical step to expand my professional knowledge and learn how to use music as a bonding tool in pregnancy. So I am very happy to learn something new and to try to bring that knowledge here in Serbia. Can t wait to start!

    1. Hi Nana: Welcome back from Serbia! We would love to hear about your experiences in your country. :) MD

    2. :). Hi nice to see/write you again.
      Well in Belgrade - Serbia, music therapy as a profession is still new, so there are just few of us who are B. C. Music therapist. Speaking about prenatal field it is also very new here and there are just a few institutions or better to say people who are exploring this field.
      I have started to work with moms and babies three years ago through massage and music, and a lot of them are still coming which are great, but during the time I read and become very interested about prenatal and perinatal psychology, and after all I think that the womb IS the first classroom. Also I am trying to be up to date with APPPAH news, seminars, courses..This is great resource.
      So spiking about music therapy and pregnancy as far as I know we don t have it here, let see then :) and let s bring it on here in Serbia.

  6. Hello, everyone! My name is Sara. :-) As a music therapist and a mother, I'm excited to learn about prenatal music bonding for myself, my friends and family, and potential clients. I am so grateful for my own positive prenatal and home birth experiences, and I'm excited to learn more about how prenatal music can add to this important time of life. What a wonderful course to take for continuing education credits!

    I worked in the hospital and school settings before having children. Since having my boys, I've been in and out of various part-time work including private music therapy practice with a variety of populations, an adult special needs theatre group, piano lessons, and church music ministry. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and learning alongside with you over the next couple months!

    1. Hello Sara: So glad you joined the course! I'm sure you will have much to share with us. Sounds like you have a great practice and your birth experiences sound amazing. We would love to hear more about that too. :)

  7. Hello my name is Heather and I am music therapist and owner of It Is Music Time LLC. Currently we serve individuals with disabilities and some geriatrics ranging from 0-99. I want to expand our services so that not all of our funding is coming from one source and when I looked into services in our area I noticed the pre/post natal services were not being offered. I am hoping to take this course and the post one to help me gain the knowledge of this population so I can develop a program for the area. I am so excited to take this course!

    1. Welcome Heather! I hope this class will give you the theory, foundation, tools and resources to expand you business to offer prenatal services. :) MD

  8. Hello! My name is Laura Olson and I'm a music therapist living in Minneapolis, MN. I just founded City of Lakes Music Therapy, LLC and hope to incorporate work with expecting mamas into my new practice. Currently I work with kids and adults with disabilities, and in hospice.

    I have a four month old baby boy named Eamon. My pregnancy and his birth is what has pulled me toward this work. I want to help other women cultivate the beautiful bond we have with our babies!

  9. Hi there. My name is Dorian, and I'm a music therapist in MD. I work full time in hospice. I have a 16 month old son. After having him and experiencing pregnancy and birth, I was drawn to this work. I hope to use it in private practice in the future.

    1. HI Dorian- that is great! I too feel drawn tot his wrok- it is a special calling and it is so rewarding. I hope this class can help support you in developing this area of your private practice. :) MD

  10. Hello! My name is Christine! I'm a music therapist! I've not yet worked with expecting mothers and I like expanding my knowledge and experience! The topic fascinates me and I look forward to the journey!

    1. Hi Christine: It is so rewarding because you are working with mothers and babies, and sometimes the family unit. What important and beautiful work which helps the foundation for future relationships, emotional growth, and communication. : ) MD

  11. Hi my name is Mary Rose Nieman (I go by Mary Rose). I am a fourth year music therapy student at Eastern Michigan University. I have one year of part-time classes and practicum left before my internship. I am the fourth of eleven biological children so I grew up caring for babies. Now my youngest sibling in 10 and I've realized my deep love for infants and fascination with pregnancy/birth. I'd like to work in a NICU hospital setting, but when I discovered MTACB I just HAD to check it out. I think that US medicine traumatizes the healthy birth process and makes it out to be a crisis that it is not. I hope to use MTACB private practice some day!

  12. Mary Rose that is great! Wow you already have experience caring for babies! I love NICU work too. These programs all support each other nicely. Yes I agree that US doctors tend to over medicalize most birth situations when it is not necessary. It is good that we have the medical support when it is needed but as long as mother and baby are doing fine, we should wait patiently and allow their birth experience to unfold without intervening unless it is medically necessary. Music can be such an amazing part of that. Would love to have you take the MTACB course as well. : ) MD

  13. Hi all, my name is Corinne Richards. I am a music therapist in El Paso, TX. I have been taking SBM classes since Fall 2015 when I was pregnant with our first child. Unfortunately, our daughter passed away due to complications from Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). I have continued to be interested in this work to work with women and family's with birth trauma and rainbow babies.

    In addition to this class, I have taken the MTACB class, BMC consultation, and I am currently training with Mary to eventually become a CMTE trainer in this great specialty area.

    1. I'm so very sorry to hear about your daughter, Corinne. I'm sure through overcoming your own loss, you have a very real and valuable insight and empathy into grieve care, birth trauma, and rainbow babies to offer your clients.

    2. Corinne I can only imagine how much you would have to offer families - it's wonderful that you are using such a terrible experience for something so positive.

  14. Hi everyone! I'm Laura Pruett, I have been working as a MT since 2011, and I've worked in a variety of settings, with a variety of populations. I took Sound Birthing's Creative Arts Birthing CMTE back in 9-2013, and have been fascinated with birth and birth work since.

    Since moving to Arizona in 2014, I started a private practice, In Tune Birthing, LLC. The intention was to do all perinatal MT work all the time. My company has evolved, and I do mostly music lessons and MT work outside of birth now. I've taken the MTACB, BMC, and Postnatal CMTE's with Sound Birthing, and I am really looking forward to this CMTE and learning from all of you. I'm hoping this will help me get back to perinatal work.

    1. Hi Laura: I miss you since you moved to Arizona! But am so glad we get to connect here.

    2. I miss you too! I'm so grateful we can connect here. You're great!

  15. Hi all - I'm pretty late to the party but here I am! I've just been doing the MTACB program, although as I live in Australia, I wasn't able to do the experiential part - yet! I've been a registered music therapist since 2014 and became interested in this area after giving birth last year and experiencing for myself the benefit of using sound and music to assist labour, as well as the importance of education surrounding birthing practices. I currently work in an early intervention program here called Sing&Grow and I'm working a lot with young parents and they are particularly receptive to music therapy and I would so love to be able to deliver further education to them, so here I am! Currently in the process of starting up my own private practice and kicking off with some parents & bubs groups and planning on expanding in pre/peri natal as well as things develop. Also just getting the hang of this juggling work/some extra study/and a 1-year-old thing! :)

  16. Hi Everyone,

    I'm just figuring out the blogging :) My name is Summer and I'm a Music Therapist working at Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services and started Rhythm & Truth Music Therapy in 2009 (specializing in working with at-risk youth) as well as CradleSong Birthing in 2014 (MTACB, the Sound Birthing Method) in Los Angeles.

    I am taking this course as part of my mentorship/training to become a CMTE trainer like Corrine. So far I have taken the postpartum course and MTACB, and have been trained as a birth and postpartum doula. I have really valued the experience of the past 7 births using this method and want to deepen my knowledge/practice. I'm already totally engrossed in the learning and fascinated by the reading. Mary is an incredible instructor/mentor. Looking forward to getting to know you all! :)

  17. Hi everyone,

    My name is Jillian and I'm a Music Therapist who is currently not practicing. I stumbled upon this course because I was researching about doulas and how they could help a family expecting a baby. It got me to thinking about how music would play such a crucial role in all of this process and I became curious about the psychology of music's effect on the fetus. I am super excited to take this course and have begun the reading this afternoon. I can tell this is going to be a great course for me which will help not only in my profession, but in my personal life. Looking forward to what's to come!

  18. Hi, I'm Kalli. I'm originally from Texas but I'm getting my masters degree in music therapy at University of Pretoria in South Africa. My dissertation is on the experience of music therapy with prenatally depressed women from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Cape Flats. I wanted to get as much exposure to literature and training that I could as I begin my research study. I'm interested in this particular population for music therapy because of how helpful music was in the birthing process of my own son. Excited to learn more from this program.

  19. Hello Everyone, I'm Kailee. I am music therapist and I have private practice in Colorado Springs, CO (K and M Music Therapy LLC). I graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2013 and was eager to start my own business thereafter. Colorado seemed like a beautiful place to begin my adventure and I started my business about a year and a half ago. I primarily work with children with disabilities, but i've always been very interested in birthing and considered getting a doula or midwife certification as well. I thought this course would be a great introduction to learning more about music's effect on the fetus. I look forward to learning from you all!

  20. Hi all, I've just been doing the MTACB program and started this course back in April but everything got a bit much with life, so hoping to power through this time!
    I'm a registered music therapist in Australia and graduated in 2014.

    After giving birth last year and experiencing for myself the benefit of using sound and music to assist labour, as well as the importance of education surrounding birthing practices, I became really interested in learning more about how music therapy can assist in this area.
    I currently work in an early intervention program here called Sing&Grow and I'm working a lot with young parents and they are particularly receptive to music therapy and I would so love to be able to deliver further education to them, so here I am! I've also just started up my own private practice and have kicked off with some parents & bubs groups and planning on expanding in pre/peri natal as well as things develop. Also just getting the hang of this juggling work/some extra study/and a 1-year-old thing! :)

  21. Hi all, my name is Corinne Richards. Like some other folks here, I am jumping back in this class after not finishing this spring.

    I am a music therapist in El Paso, TX. I have been taking SBM classes since Fall 2015 when I was pregnant with our first child. Unfortunately, our daughter passed away due to complications from Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). I have continued to be interested in this work to work with women and family's with birth trauma and rainbow babies.

  22. Hi there! My name is MaryRose Nieman and I, too, am jumping back into the class after the spring.

    I am in my final year of course study in the Bachelor of Music Therapy at Eastern Michigan University. From the start of my studies I've been drawn to working with infants, and more recently, with mothers and families. I am the 4th of 11 kids, so I was familiar with pregnancy and birth at a young age.

    Over the summer I got the pleasure of attending the World Congress in Japan and I got to meet Gabriel Federico, an incredible Argentinian MT who practices Focal Music Therapy in Obstetrics. After conversations about his experience and reading his book (which I see is on the booklist!), I am quite interested in working with teenage moms! :)

  23. Hi! I am jumping back into the class (6 WEEK AND FINALE COURSE) after the spring. Good to be back again. Nana

  24. Hello everyone! I'm Kate Comstock. I have a BA in Music and just completed my graduate equivalency courses in MT at Cal State University Northridge. I'm awaiting my internship at Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA. This is my third class with Mary and I'm very excited to jump in. I became interested in MTACB during my pregnancy (I was fortunate and blessed to have Mary and Summer by my side during labor). It worked so well for me that I wanted to learn all about it and fold it into my practice once I am certified. I also am a birth doula and sing professionally. I am thrilled to be studying alongside such a diverse group of women and was inspired by reading all your introductions. <3

  25. Hello everyone! I'm Justin Sant. I recently moved to Atlanta after finishing my MA in music therapy from NYU. MY focus has always been on working with Veterans and I recently finished a two year sting at the VA in Manhattan. I actually met Mary in Manhattan while we were classmates together taking a class at the Nordoff-Robbins center at NYU.
    I'm taking this class as my wife and I are expecting our first child, a baby girl the first week in April and I became fascinated by the concept of pre-natal music therapy.

    1. Congrats Justin on the birth of your beautiful baby girl Nua! She came a little early and surprised everyone. We would love to hear about your prenatal bonding experiences with her and how she is adjusting on the outside during the 4th trimester. Love your bonding pics you have posted on social media. She looks so happy and peaceful when you are holding her. :) MD

  26. Hi Everyone! I’m Jamie Maresca. I am a mom of two girls. My oldest is turning 6 next month, and my youngest is 3.5 years old. I have a Sound Birthing business called Birth, Babies, and Bach. I became interested in Sound Birthing during my second pregnancy. I was lucky enough to be able to work with Mary using the Sound Birthing consultation program model. The music helped me get through 14 hours of labor and give birth to a 9 lb baby with no medication. I don’t think I could have accomplished that without the music and the Sound Birthing strategies. I was so amazed with my experience that I took the Sound Birthing consultation course and started my business providing the same service to others that helped me so much. I have also taken the postpartum course and added postpartum services to my business. I am so excited to take this prenatal course and add to the services that I can offer to my clients.

    1. Jamie so glad you shared your amazing birth experience and welcome to the group!

  27. Hi, everyone! My name is Amber Stefan. I live in MN and work in a school district through community education in youth enrichment. Prenatal care is not part of my professional life right now. However, I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and am all about learning more about baby and how to interact with baby!

    1. Congrats Amber! I hope you can put these strategies into place for your little one. Welcome to the class. :)

  28. Hello! I'm Kate Comstock. This is my final sound birthing course with Mary before I begin a mentorship. Hooray! I used MTACB for the labor & delivery of our son (who's soon to be two years old) and Mary was my MT. I have a great deal of respect for her and all she has studied so I'm soaking it all in so that I may incorporate it into my practice as a music therapist. Having experienced it first hand I am a believer and advocate and can't wait to start supporting women and their families with this wonderful tool. :)
